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Showing posts with the label CII

CII launches ‘gateway to the world’ for Indian businesses

The Confederation of Indian Industry announced the launch of a new online business gateway for its members. The e-commerce platform will enable Indian businesses to promote their products and services, expand their boundaries and trade online, within India, across the region, and globally. The marketplace is powered by the secure technology platform from cloudBuy, the global e-commerce solution provider.

CII to host IT Compliance Seminar for Automobile Industry in India

The Confederation of Indian Industry (HQ: New Delhi, India) will be holding a seminar on “Emerging Risks in Automobile Industry in India-Role of IT Compliance in Strengthening Supply Chain”at The Hotel O, Pune India on February 20th, 2014. The seminar will introduce an emerging risk on IT compliance which will affect the supply chains of export manufacturers especially in automotive industry focusing on the importance of IT compliance in the supply chain, and will call for action addressing the benefit from being IT compliant.