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Showing posts with the label data scientist

Data Scientists to be hot career in 2014

The IT industry has always moved on and brought interesting careers over the years. The latest is about data scientist. The world is grappling with the huge flow of data and is a lot of data tools, analytics to streamline and manage it. There is equal emphasis on big data in many organizations in India and globally. Many research agencies such as Gartner, EnY and others have predicted that big data would be a ruling tech trend in the years to come since the growth in data is huge. Hence the demand would put a lot of pressure on enterprises to hire data scientists.

Even Though 79% Think Big Data will improve Decision Making, One-Third Have No Big Data Plans

EMC Corporation released the findings of its global survey that asked thousands of IT decision makers from 50 countries for their perspective on the challenges and opportunities that Big Data and IT transformation - and related skills - can present to their companies. Over the last six months this research polled more than 10,700 business and IT management and executives, technical architects, data scientists and storage/infrastructure managers from a range of industries who registered to attend their local EMC Forums.