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text-transform: uppercase; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); transition: opacity 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); } .subscribe-button { background: transparent; border: 0; margin: 0; outline: none; padding: 0; display: block; } html[dir=ltr] .search form { margin-right: 12px; } .search.focused .section { opacity: 1; margin-right: 36px; width: calc(100% - 36px); } .search input { border: 0; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.54); font: 600 16px Open Sans, sans-serif; line-height: 24px; outline: 0; width: 100%; } .search form { padding-bottom: 0; } .search input[type='submit'] { display: none; } .search input::-webkit-input-placeholder { text-transform: uppercase; } .search input::-moz-placeholder { text-transform: uppercase; } .search input:-ms-input-placeholder { text-transform: uppercase; } .search input::placeholder { text-transform: uppercase; } .search .dim-overlay, .centered-top-secondline .dim-overlay { background: transparent; } .centered-top-secondline .PageList li a, .centered-top-secondline .PageList .overflow-button a { color: #25a186; 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font: 400 14px Open Sans, sans-serif; } .subscribe-popup div.widget.FollowByEmail .follow-by-email-submit { color: #25a186; font: 600 14px Open Sans, sans-serif; margin-top: 24px; } .post-content { -webkit-box-flex: 0; -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto; -ms-flex: 0 1 auto; flex: 0 1 auto; -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 2; -webkit-order: 1; -ms-flex-order: 1; order: 1; margin-right: 76px; max-width: 676px; width: 100%; } .post-filter-message { background-color: #25a186; color: #ffffff; display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; font: 600 16px Open Sans, sans-serif; margin: 40px 136px 48px 136px; padding: 10px; position: relative; } .post-filter-message > * { -webkit-box-flex: 0; -webkit-flex: 0 0 auto; -ms-flex: 0 0 auto; flex: 0 0 auto; } .post-filter-message .search-query { font-style: italic; quotes: '\201c' '\201d' '\2018' '\2019'; } .post-filter-message .search-query::before { content: open-quote; } .post-filter-message .search-query::after { content: close-quote; 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font: 700 36px Open Sans, sans-serif; line-height: 1.33333; } .feed-message { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.54); font: 600 16px Open Sans, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 52px; } .post-header-container .byline, .post-header-container .byline a { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.54); font: 600 16px Open Sans, sans-serif; } .post-header-container .byline.post-author:not(:last-child)::after { content: '\00B7'; } .post-header-container .byline.post-author:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 0; } .post-snippet-container { font: 400 20px Lora, serif; } .sharing-button { text-transform: uppercase; word-break: normal; } .post-outer-container .svg-icon-24 { fill: #25a186; } .post-body { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.84); font: 400 20px Lora, serif; line-height: 2; margin-bottom: 24px; } .blog-pager .blog-pager-older-link { color: #25a186; float: right; font: 600 14px Open Sans, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; } .no-posts-message { margin: 32px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-title-container { background-color: #25a186; box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 86px; padding-right: 290px; padding-left: 140px; padding-top: 124px; width: 100%; } body.item-view .Blog .post-title, body.item-view .Blog .post-title a { color: #ffffff; font: 600 48px Open Sans, sans-serif; line-height: 1.41667; margin-bottom: 0; } body.item-view .Blog { margin: 0; margin-bottom: 85px; padding: 0; } body.item-view .Blog .post-content { margin-right: 0; max-width: none; } body.item-view .comments, body.item-view .widget.Blog .post-bottom, body.item-view .shown-ad { margin-bottom: 0; margin-right: 400px; margin-left: 140px; margin-top: 0; } body.item-view .widget.Header header p { max-width: 740px; } body.item-view .shown-ad { margin-bottom: 24px; margin-top: 24px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-header-container { padding-left: 140px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-header-container .post-author-profile-pic-container { background-color: #25a186; float: left; height: 84px; margin-right: 24px; margin-left: -140px; padding-left: 140px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-author-profile-pic { max-height: 100%; } body.item-view .Blog .post-header { float: left; height: 84px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-header > * { position: relative; top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); -ms-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%); } body.item-view .post-body { color: #292929; font: 400 20px Lora, serif; line-height: 2; } body.item-view .Blog .post-body-container { padding-right: 290px; position: relative; margin-left: 140px; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 32px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-body { margin-bottom: 0; margin-right: 110px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-body::first-letter { float: left; font-size: 80px; font-weight: 600; line-height: 1; margin-right: 16px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-body div[style*='text-align: center']::first-letter { float: none; font-size: inherit; font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin-right: 0; } body.item-view .Blog .post-body::first-line { color: #25a186; } body.item-view .Blog .post-body-container .post-sidebar { right: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 290px; } body.item-view .Blog .post-body-container .post-sidebar .sharing-button { display: inline-block; } .widget.Attribution { clear: both; font: 600 14px Open Sans, sans-serif; padding-top: 2em; } .widget.Attribution .blogger { margin: 12px; } .widget.Attribution svg { fill: rgba(0,0,0,0.54); } body.item-view .PopularPosts { margin-left: 140px; } body.item-view .PopularPosts .widget-content > ul { padding-left: 0; } body.item-view .PopularPosts .widget-content > ul > li { display: block; } body.item-view .PopularPosts .post-content { margin-right: 76px; max-width: 664px; } body.item-view .PopularPosts .post:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: 85px; } body.item-view .post-body-container img { height: auto; max-width: 100%; } body.item-view .PopularPosts > .title { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.54); font: 600 16px Open Sans, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 36px; } body.item-view .post-sidebar .post-labels-sidebar { margin-top: 48px; min-width: 150px; } body.item-view .post-sidebar .post-labels-sidebar h3 { color: #292929; font: 600 14px Open Sans, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 16px; } body.item-view .post-sidebar .post-labels-sidebar a { color: #25a186; display: block; font: 400 14px Open Sans, sans-serif; font-style: italic; margin-bottom: 16px; } body.item-view blockquote { font: italic 600 44px Open Sans, sans-serif; font-style: italic; quotes: '\201c' '\201d' '\2018' '\2019'; } body.item-view blockquote::before { content: open-quote; } body.item-view blockquote::after { content: close-quote; } body.item-view .post-bottom { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; float: none; } body.item-view .widget.Blog .post-share-buttons-bottom { -webkit-box-flex: 0; -webkit-flex: 0 1 auto; -ms-flex: 0 1 auto; flex: 0 1 auto; margin-left: 40px; -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 3; -webkit-order: 2; -ms-flex-order: 2; order: 2; } body.item-view .widget.Blog .post-footer { line-height: 1; } .widget.Blog body.item-view .post-bottom { margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 80px; } body.item-view .post-footer .post-labels .byline-label { color: #292929; 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Showing posts with the label AI

Artificial Intelligence has changed the way we parent: Nurturey

Every parent wants what’s best for their child. It’s little hard to raise kids nowadays. Earlier it was easier but now starting off with a more modern mind frame, today’s families are finding it difficult when it comes to parenting.
A large majority of parents surveyed think that technology use will act as a helping hand in the growth of their child. According to FOSI’s research report,Sixty-four percent (64%) of parents think that technology use has a positive effect on their child’s creativity.
Never have parents had this much information in the palm of their hand. Nothing can replace good primary care, of course, but now parents  can be armed with information well before they walk into a hospital.
In the form of a multi skilled Personal Assistant, Nurturey is the only comprehensive solution supporting parents from pregnancy to early years of parenting. Once parents sign up, they will find a variety of digital productivity tools that they can activate, as relevant to the age, gende…

The Internet of Things: The Best is Yet to Come

By: Morten Illum, VP of EMEA, Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that’s been bandied about for a long time and we’re finally at a stage where it’s coming more into the forefront, in terms of the technology and consumer adoption.
IoT is starting to make a difference to many areas of our lives. Connected smart meters wirelessly track our domestic energy usage, while smart watches and smart cars are playing a small but influential role in the wider IoT movement. And this is even before we get started on connected home technologies, ranging from security sensors to connected light bulbs and even smart toasters.
However, one question is still in the back of my mind: “When will the Internet of Things really hit the big time?”
If we accept that IoT’s moment is indeed yet to come, then I’m glad to say we can put a date on it at last. In our new international study, ‘The Internet of Things, Today and Tomorrow’ we asked 3,100 execs from 20 countri…

Stone-stacking robot with autonomous action is here?

Ever wondered of a robot that will help in the construction work and other manual deed? Traditionally we've seen robots doing a lot of industrial works where they can lift and carry big objects, and where they can fly around dragonflies. However, we've not seen any robot until now which can stack stones perfectly. But this robot will make you think and force you to believe on the unbelieveable. This robot can stack stones very well and replace humans in this task as well. It means labourers and masons have a reason to worry now as robots are here to compete against them.
According to report published in TechCrunch, researchers at ETH Zurich have come out with a robot in their new project, “Autonomous Robotic Stone Stacking with Online next Best Object Target Pose Planning.” If the reports are to believed, the robot can autonomously lift stones and stack them perfectly. It can do things in a perfect manner even if the stones and rocks are of a different size and kind. This is …

Niki.ai and Zen Mobiles partner to enable smart shopping on chat

Niki.ai, an AI startup, and Zen Mobiles have partnered to provide a simple, fast and intelligent shopping experience to the customers of Zen Mobiles. Now Zen smartphone users can enjoy conversational commerce on their phones and avail crucial services such as mobile recharges and bill payments; cab, bus and hotel bookings; events and movie ticketing; food ordering; home services and nearby search all by simply chatting with Niki. The service can be currently availed on Admire Swadesh and Admire Dragon devices and on upcoming models, like Admire Thrill+, Admire Joy and Admire Buzz.
Through this tie-up, Zen Mobile aims to provide an integrated services marketplace for their users, and make the smartphone experience much more wholesome and personalized. The integration enables Zeneration 4G Smartphone from Zen Mobiles to enhance their customer experience, improve customer engagement, and monetize their customer base. It also allows users to have sufficient free memory in their phones, w…

Introducing IBM Watson powered Robot 'Chintu' at MIT Tech Fest in Pune

The students at MIT Pune have been using IBM Watson APIs powered by IBM Bluemix, IBM's Cloud platform and have hit the ground running with speed within weeks. When asked about leveraging a new technology like IBM Watson, Krishnamohan Manmohan, a student at MIT Pune, said, "What I like most about Watson is that it is an incredible platform that provides a variety of services that can solve real world problems. These services can be used as and when required and are always accessible. It's definitely something that all students should have access to, in order to develop the market relevant skills sets.''

SD2 launches CloudOps.ai, the "Upfront Cloud" bringing Enterprise Discounts, AI Driven Automation to AWS Customers

SD Squared (SD2), a company offering tech outsourcing and cloud management solutions, is announcing the full public launch of its new cloud management platform, CloudOps.ai, that lets users tap into the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS) easily and affordably in what it calls the “Upfront Cloud”. As part of CloudOps.ai, SD2 is launching a new prepaid AWS wallet that gives customers the option of avoiding bill shock, and not needing a credit card to access the free tier.